營業項目與實績照片 / 營業領域

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International Freight Forwarding, NVOCC, Container, Breakbulk, Ro-Ro, Heavy lift, Project

國際海空運承攬運送 / 無船公共運送人 / 複合聯運
International Freight Forwarding / NVOCC / Through Transport


Our Forwarding and NVOCC service integrate and organize kinds of transport modal, to achieve a flexible and economic solution, and reach the goal of transport under safety and maximum benefit.



Fiber chemical plant equipment effected by flat-rack container loaded onto truck by forklift crane.

87 噸重裁剪機在基隆港裝車

87-ton sheer machine loaded onto truck by 2 units mobile-crane. 

電扶梯模組件以40' 開頂櫃運輸

Escalator SKD unit transported by open-top container. 


Ceramic kiln effected by flat-rack container loaded onto vessel.

提供客戶多重載具之組合, 將整廠設備由各個發貨地運抵目的地。

Provide customers with a combination of multi-model transport, and the whole plant equipment shipped to its destination by the individual.


 塑膠廠壓力容器之運輸 ( 陸-海-陸 結合的全程運輸 ) Through Transport for Pressure Vessel of Plastic Plant  

 塑膠麥寮廠壓力容器由加拿大多倫多經美國紐約至台灣高雄並至麥寮, 陸-海-陸 結合的全程運輸。Pressure vessel was carried from Toronto, Canada by low-bed trailer, to and loaded onto container vessel by B/B basis at New York, finally arrived at Kaohsiung Port, then overlanded again by trailer to its final destination at Plastic Plant in Mai Liao.



南科廠商長晶爐專案 Through Transport for Autoclaves, Hi-Tech Merchant

南科廠商五具石英結晶爐各重56 噸以散裝船 + 汽車船聯運運送, 由俄國聖彼得堡運抵基隆港, 再經由陸運送抵南科工地。5 units of 56-ton autoclaves, transported from St. Petersburg, Russia to Keelung, Taiwan by through transport via bulk carrier and RO/RO PCC vessels.





鋼鐵廠專案 Steel Plant Expansion Project 


Amphibian Project was responsible for international maritime, inland transport, and discharging at site. The photos indicated the equipments loading in Masan Port, Korea. (Total volume of the project: 70x40’open top & flatrack + breakbulk 1300 freight tons.) 






